HCM Awareness Day Legislative Briefing - MICHIGAN

02/28/2024 01:30 PM - 02:00 PM ET


The Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association welcomes you to Heart Month and invites you to register to join us online on Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Awareness Day, Wednesday, February 28th, for a 30-minute legislative briefing about HCM with a focus on what you can do to help save the lives of your Michigan constituents. 

More than one million people in the U.S. today have a genetically inherited heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM): a thickening of the heart muscle that may cause no symptoms for years – but can lead to sudden cardiac arrest at any moment.

The prevalence of HCM in the population of Michigan could be as high as almost 49,000+ people, but it can be treated – if diagnosed.  Unfortunately, more than 80% of people with HCM don’t realize they have it. Undiagnosed, HCM can kill children and teens, young athletes on basketball courts, adults in the prime of life and seniors starting a healthy retirement.

In this webinar you will hear from HCM patients, medical professionals and advocates. This event will be attended by your fellow state legislators and concerned constituents from your state. 

More than 15 states have declared the 28th of February 2024 as HCM Awareness Day, either by Resolution/Proclamation or law, with more states still to come in the coming weeks.  We thank those who acted to raise awareness among their constituents, and we are now ready, with your help, to take the next steps to help find the undiagnosed. 

Join us on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 1:30 PM ET for a 30-minute legislative briefing offered to legislators representing Michigan and their constituents. Do not miss the opportunity to learn more and help save lives.